53-Mile Challenge
February 18 - April 10
Let’s Get Moving, Dutch!
Central College students, employees, alumni, family and friends are invited to participate in the 53-Mile Challenge from Sunday, February 18, to Wednesday, April 10.
The 53-Mile Challenge encourages the Central community to practice a healthy lifestyle through movement. Participants can walk, run, bike or swim a total of 53 miles from Sunday, February 18, until Hoo-Rah Day on Wednesday, April 10. Participants can show their Central spirit during the challenge by using #53MileChallenge on social media.
All who complete the challenge and return their sheet to the Advancement Office by Thursday, April 11, will be entered into a drawing for prizes from the Spirit Shoppe. All 53 miles must be completed and logged to be eligible for prizes.
To register, visit central.edu/challenge. Participants can print a mile log after registering.
Completed challenge sheets may be emailed to Mary Benedict, director of engagement, at benedictm@central.edu. Challenge sheets may also be mailed to or dropped off at the Advancement Office in Central Hall, located at 812 University St., Campus Box 5200, Pella, Iowa, 50219.