
1991 Cover

A Note From the Editor

By Walter Cannon

As a way of recognizing and rewarding academic excellence, the Honors Committee and the Skills Committee take pleasure in publishing this anthology of student writing. Professors from all disciplines were invited to submit papers of all types which, in their judgment, demonstrated good writing.

Twelve papers were selected for their readability, originality, interest, and insight. From among the finalists included in this anthology, two were chosen to receive the John Allen Writing Award. This year, no one received the Maureen Danks Award for writing in the sciences because there were no submissions from those fields. The co-winners of the John Allen Award for 1991 are Brady Shutt and Janice Klein.

Since students are the primary audience for The Writing Anthology, we wanted to change the way this publication was produced to reflect more student responses. This year’s readers and editors were Lisa Rustad and Chris St. Clair. I think you will find this edition more carefully edited, more readable and more coherently put together than past editions.

-Walter Cannon for the Skills and Honors Committee