Internship Site Database
Looking for ideas for internship sites? Search our database of 500 internship employers! We’ve collected this information over many years, so not every employer will have current internship openings. However, many will be interested if you take the initiative to contact them.
Search by category below. Think broadly and try multiple searches to see the full variety of options.
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For internships in art, music, theatre, dance, graphic design, interior design, photography, arts administration, architecture.
For internships in management, marketing, general business, operations, international business, sales & retail, human resources, manufacturing.
For internships in advertising, event planning, marketing, journalism, TV, radio, film, video, public relations, entertainment, publishing, writing.
Cultural Affairs
For internships in travel, tourism, museum, library, history, cross-cultural, bilingual, international.
For internships in Engineering.
For internships in accounting, banking, financial services, insurance, investments.
Government, Legal, Law Enforcement
For internships in local/state/federal government, law/paralegal, safety/security, politics.
For internships in exercise science, fitness, health promotion, therapy, athletic training, strength/conditioning, sports, recreation, medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical, dentistry, optometry, chiropractic.
Information Technology/Technical
For internships in systems, programming, software, web design, engineering.
Sciences & Environmental
For internships in biology, chemistry, physics, natural sciences, environmental, biotech, energy, natural resources, research, laboratory, veterinary medicine, agriculture.
Social Services
For internships in not-for-profits, counseling, child welfare, ministry, shelters, education, other social service settings.